
Leo L6 avatar image
Leo L6 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to allow unload on breakdown


How do I allow a processor in a breakdown state to still allow unload? Otherwise the task executor/robot will just stay there waiting for the processor to exit breakdown when I just want it to unload and move on to another task.

Alternatively, how could I make it so that there is a max wait time on a "unload" task before redirecting the task executor/robot?


FlexSim 22.0.16
task executerrobotbreakdown
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Use a subtask /subflow to perform the unload and have that first check the state of the processor. With a subflow it's easy to wait for the processor state to change and apply a timeout to that wait for event activity.

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