
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
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Lilian Fonseca asked Arun Kr edited

How to edit the animation of a robot during load/unload?

I have a simulation where a robot transports the flowitem from one place to another. However, to obtain a more accurate simulation, I would like to change its movement, so that it looks like a vacuum lifter. I have attached a link below with an example, very close to what I need in my model. It doesn't have to be operated as you'll see in the video, though.

I am confused about the best way to do it. Maybe adding a crane instead of a robot and editing it accordingly or doing something else might be more efficient.

Thank you.

FlexSim 16.0.1
animationrobotvacuum lift
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Matthew Gillespie edited

@Lilian. You can edit the 3d models of an object by clicking on it and looking at its properties. (Either double clicking on it to open a window, or looking over at the quick properties.) In the "General" tab of the properties you can change the 3d shapes used for appearance there.

You can also change the animations of an object by right-clicking it, under Edit, select animations.

However, looking at the machine you showed in the YouTube video, you might want to use a Crane object for moving flow items. It picks up and drops off items in a similar way to the video.

changeshape.png (78.2 KiB)
editanimations.png (29.0 KiB)
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Arun Kr avatar image
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Arun Kr answered Arun Kr edited

Hi Liillian,

Here is a simple model which I made using animation creator and crane some time back to simulate operator assisted vacuum lifter. Hope this will help you, else ignore this post.vacuum-lifter.fsm


Arun KR

vacuum-lifter.fsm (28.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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