
Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr asked Jason Lightfoot answered

How To Get Kinematics Parameters Using Code While Using Kinematics PF Library


I'm trying to access the kinematic parameters of an object( like speed, acceleration, etc) which uses process flow activities for kinematics. The kinematics label on the token is not returning the kinematics parameters accurately when using the getkinematics () command(always returning zero).

  1. double currentrotvelocity = getkinematics(token.kinematics,KINEMATIC_RVELOCITY,1,Model.time);
  3. return currentrotvelocity;

If we are not using process flow for kinematics, the parameters can be easily accessed using the getkinematics() on the label treenode.

Is this the right approach?


Arun KRGetKinematics.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.1
kinematics with process flow
getkinematics.fsm (36.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered
  1. getkinematics(token.labels["kinematics"],KINEMATIC_RVELOCITY)

It needs the node, not what the value of the node is.

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