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Steven Chen asked Phil BoBo edited

Kinematics Process Flow for BasicTE


I tried to use kinematics process flow to customize offset of BasicTE.

I choose OnBeginOffset as trigger to apply kinematics, endtime is required to override return value to prevent item delivered before kinematics ends. So "Wait for Finish" of apply kinematics must be unchecked. But if it's unchecked, the kinematics seems like not updating.

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2kinematics with process flowbasicte
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

In your example, you put the kinematics node on the token. Once the token goes into the Finish, then your kinematics node is destroyed. Since the kinematics node is destroyed, it can't be used to update the kinematics.

Your approach 2 kind of works if you put the kinematics node on the object instead of the token.


Using this approach, you are missing the updates that should happen On Update Offset and On Finish Offset though, so your model won't run predictably.

If you implement those functions, it will though:


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