
K_yun avatar image
K_yun asked K_yun edited

Create kinematic for flowitem while loading or unloading

load item smoothly.fsm



Target: Create kinematic for flowitem while loading/unloading.

Problem: I have created kinematic for flowitem by coding in "On Begin Offset" and "On Update Offset", but it won't move in visual. Can't figure out the error.

And by the way, how to implement this by PF?

FlexSim 21.1.2
kinematicskinematics with process flow
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered K_yun edited

You have a spelling mistake in the update offset trigger's label name.

You should add an onPreDraw trigger and leave it empty to get the offset update to fire.

Also you'll need to move the item from the conveyor in order to have the update offset code free from competing conveyor drawing logic. This snippet moves the item into the model and then restores its position so it appears to start moving from it's original location:

  1. Vec3 absloc=item.location.project(item.up,model());
  2. moveobject(item,model());
  3. item.location=absloc;

You'll need to add the TE as a member instance of the process flow if you want to use that technique instead.

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