
Orry avatar image
Orry asked Arun Kr commented

Use kinematic code to rotate Basicte

Use kinematic code to rotate Basicte.fsm1685150981813.pngHello,

I have made this model with kinematics. I want to use kinematic code to run, but it doesn't work

Any Idea if it is a flexsim bug or anything i did wrong in my model?

You can find the model in attachement.

Thank you and best regards,

FlexSim 22.2.0
kinematicskinematics with process flow
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You need to update kinematic node while your model runs. You do this on draw trigger or event. For a fast run speed you store the time your kinematic lasts and send a delayed message to update a last time your kinematic.

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