Have you already gone through the Kinematics tutorial in the manual? If not, it's a great place to start. You can find the online link here.
There's more examples of kinematics in practice here.
And finally here is a list of all the commands associated with kinematics.
The whole mechanic can't be simulates. If the size of thin basic fixed resource is adjusted such doors are possible in a model. The size is changed in the draw trigger. The door closes in 2 seconds then the size value depends on the start time of change. The start time is set in a label. The difference of start time and current simulation run time divided by the 2 seconds and multiplied with the value size of the closed door gives the current size of the object. Any time difference greater than 2 seconds sets the size to maximum. If the opens again set the size vice versa to the minimum size.
If the door should have a translucent window the door is build by two objects.
Other possible approaches are the animation creator under general tab of the object's properties or the change of the location of a constant size object. Then the door should be hidden in the above wall of the building.
Hello @Jörg Vogel !
I used the above automatic door in my model. But, I have a problem: the door opens only one time (at the beginning of the simulation) it does not open for each generated box that must be transported by the transporter. Please help me to solve this.
@sara S2, the door opens on a message. The door closes on the next message. If you need more often the opening / closing you need to send a pair of messages.
The opening / closing of the door lasts 2 seconds. You need a time gap of 2 seconds at least between these two messages.
Hello @Jörg Vogel,
Thanks for sharing that door! How/where would the coding needs to be changed for the door to change STATE when open and closed? I was trying using the
if(current.doorheight = 4.0){setstate(current,28);}
But did not worked. I am a newbie on flexsim. I wanted the door to be STATE #4 when closed, and #28 when opened.
Thanks again.
There is for case 1: a code block in On Message trigger of the Basic Fixed Resource of the door. There you can insert your condition and set the state depending on the value of local variable szDoor. But you have to test it on your on which values you must set the states.
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