
Kim Jh avatar image
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Kim Jh asked Joerg Vogel commented

How to model the automatic doors such as photos?

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

Have you already gone through the Kinematics tutorial in the manual? If not, it's a great place to start. You can find the online link here.

There's more examples of kinematics in practice here.

And finally here is a list of all the commands associated with kinematics.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

The whole mechanic can't be simulates. If the size of thin basic fixed resource is adjusted such doors are possible in a model. The size is changed in the draw trigger. The door closes in 2 seconds then the size value depends on the start time of change. The start time is set in a label. The difference of start time and current simulation run time divided by the 2 seconds and multiplied with the value size of the closed door gives the current size of the object. Any time difference greater than 2 seconds sets the size to maximum. If the opens again set the size vice versa to the minimum size.

If the door should have a translucent window the door is build by two objects.

Other possible approaches are the animation creator under general tab of the object's properties or the change of the location of a constant size object. Then the door should be hidden in the above wall of the building.

high-speed-door.gif (143.7 KiB)
high-speed-door.fsm (19.9 KiB)
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