
BING SYUAN L avatar image
BING SYUAN L asked tannerp commented

return the rotation table to the initial position after finish the task


Attached model is a factory foup tansport system. (because the file is to big, I divide it into 4 files)

it consists of convery, rotation table, lift mechanism and agv.

but now i have some problem as below

1. how to make the rotation table and lift mechanism turn back to the initial position every time after finish the task. because now if the next flowitem is coming while the rotation table or lift mechanism are turning back to the initial position, the turn back task will stop and transport the next flowitem.

2. how to transfer item from lift mechansm to agv(use the robot which is mounted on agv to grabe the flowitem and put it on agv body), after unloading the flowitem from lift mechanism robot will go to the processor and lift mechanism will upstair to the initial position.

Thank you so much.

FlexSim 18.2.2
agvkinematicsconveyor system
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered tannerp commented

I can't see all the different parts of your model, the 3D models for your flowitems and rotating tables didn't save, and so don't exist. I would do what Tanner suggested for returning to original rotation.

For moving items from the robot to the AGV, use process flow activities. You can use load and unload activities and move any object into another. I added an example in your model.


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