Hello everyone,
I am trying to read Acc1Time, PeakTime and Acc2Time.
I use a create tokens after the Create Kinematics and I put a Breahte to charge the kinematics into the token. Inside the destination of the Create Kinematics I want to read some parameters about the kinematics. I saved the value of the token parent (tokenKin) where the kinematics are, and then I use:
getkinematics(token.tokenKin.labels["kinematics"], KINEMATIC_ACC1)
getkinematics(token.tokenKin.labels["kinematics"], KINEMATIC_PEAKTIME)
getkinematics(token.tokenKin.labels["kinematics"], KINEMATIC_ACC2TIME)
Inside the tokenKin, the kinematics are the following:
Kinematic data - Last Updated Location: [13238.11,18282.78,5973.72] Rotation: [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
Start Time: 74.33 End Time: 83.28 Last Update Time: 74.83
Initial Location: [13238.11,18157.78,5973.72] Initial Rotation: [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
1 Kinematics Added
Travel [0.00, 11413.71, 0.00] totaldist: 11413.71 starttime: 74.33 endtime: 83.28 startspeed: 0.00 endspeed: 0.00l acc1: 1000.00 acc2: -1250.00 peakspeed: 1500.00 acc1time: 1.50 peaktime: 6.26 acc2time: 1.20
However, all the three getkinematics returns 0 and not the correct value.
I thought it could be an error of reading the wrong token, but it's not because when I put the following code, it returns correctly the endTime:
getkinematics(token.tokenKin.labels["kinematics"], KINEMATIC_ENDTIME)
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time:D
PD: I cannot attach the model, sorry...