
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Finish kinematics activity also moves up of object


I have created a simple example model that shows some kinematics movements for a pallet that is inside a queue. Once this movement is finished, the Finish Kinematics activity fires some code. During this code the location of the queue is changed, although the kinematics should only do something with the pallet. Is this a bug, or a feature that is useful in other situations? I would have expected the queue to stay at its original location.

Specifying the pallet instead of All Objects in the Finish Kinematics activity seems to solve the problem in this model.




FlexSim 23.2.0
kinematicskinematics with process flow
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1 Answer

Jonah K avatar image
Jonah K answered Jonah K edited

It looks like the All Objects option isn't working correctly. I have submitted this issue to the development team. In the meantime, the fix is to change the Finish Kinematics Object to be the object being moved, like you suggested. (In your case, token.item). Thanks for bringing up this issue.

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