
Lakshitha avatar image
Lakshitha asked Lakshitha answered

History base order picking using operator and conveyor belts.

I made model for pick items by history based and move items using conveyor belt. but there is some errors. What I planned to do reading history base orders and operator go to rack and pick the each item and put in to conveyor belt and final complete order should be come in the staging area on pallet according to order wise. addition, operator should pick same order all quantities ( ex; oredr_1 has 5-Coca cola and 2- Soap, operator should pick all 5 coca cola at once and put into the conveyor)

Can anyone please be kind to support to made this.

Thanks you.

conveyor1 edit - Copy.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.1
conveyorsoperatorsconveyorsystemorder picking
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Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Hey @Lakshitha,

Your model had a lot of errors that are important to fix first. For example the racks should be connected to the entry points on the closest conveyor using a center port connection ('s' key shortcut connection), like this:


Your process flow also has several errors. For example, you need to release the picker you acquired: 1685119699899.png

Change your "finish task sequence" activity to be after the "drop off item" activity, and to have the properties to match with the beginning:


You also need an assign labels activity to actually choose the drop off points using an assign labels activity, something like this:

1685119843395.pngYou have a lot of things to fix before you can address your original question. For your original question, I would refer to the process flow that was done for your previous question. They should be very similar. Here's the post:

1685119630234.png (117.7 KiB)
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Lakshitha avatar image Lakshitha commented ·

Hi @Julie Weller

Thank you for your valuable guidelines. here i have add the process flow as you mentioned. I have connect all operators to rack with center connection, hope is it correct. but there is task issues. can you please give your advice for correct this also.



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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Lakshitha commented ·

In your order picking AssignLabels you have misspelled 'token' as 'taken'. The exception when you reset the model clearly states this.

In the Assign Items for Rows activity you probably want a reference to the row from the array called Rows which you could create in the runSubflow called 'Pick Items' using the creationRank.

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Lakshitha avatar image
Lakshitha answered

Hi @Jason Lightfoot

Thank you very much. I will go through the process again with your feedback that will support to improve my model.


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