
Lakshitha avatar image
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Lakshitha asked Lakshitha commented

History based order picking using multiple pickers

I need improve model how, the operator which pick five items bring that five items at once (one movement to rack) rather going five times. I have model herewith.

Thanks, 1-operator-copy-2.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.1
multiple operatorsorderpicking
1-operator-copy-2.fsm (125.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered Lakshitha commented

Hi @Lakshitha! That's a great question! You just need to edit your process flow a little bit.

First move your task sequence to start right after the acquire module. That is because you'll want your task sequence to include sub flows for the order picking container. For example if you change it so the sub flows direct to pick the all the items in the order it will pick them all at the same time. You'll have to add a second sub flow for the unloading process. Additionally you'll need to change your "Go To Rack" activity from token.Item.up to token.Item[1].up because now you're referencing an array.

Your final process flow should look like this:


Here's the attached model and you'll see on the second pick that the operator now grabs all 5 items at the same time!


I hope that helps you!

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