
Proxima avatar image
Proxima asked Julie Weller commented

Move in units of more than a few people in healthcare

restaurant_test.fsmI want to make a restaurant environment through healthcare, and I want to know if there is any other way to make guests move to the seating area together as a single or a group of more than a few, and even if the seating area is not full, it will not Will let the rest of the people join in and instead move the next group of guests to the next group seating area。

At present, I only think of the method of presetting the location through Arrivals. Is there any other more intelligent method?

FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Proxima,

I changed your process flow so that there is a lead person in the group. This person follows the main flow and all others members of the party are in a label on the lead person. This makes it easier to reference those people when walk activities are needed.

The other significant thing is that I used the multiloacation to create the tables and chairs. They have a special option on them to select call acquire as single unit. This allows a party to acquire the whole table and chairs.


They acquire activity looks at some values to make sure its selects a table that best accommodates the size of the party. These values were added as an expression field with a custom code into the Locations list.




Please checkout the model for more details. This model is not perfect. There are definitely more things you can add to make the transitions more realistic but this gives you an idea of how to use the labels array and subflows to move multiple people.

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