
Luca S4 avatar image
Luca S4 asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Person gets lable from objekt

Hi guys,

how can i set a lable in a created person by sitting on a specific chair?

Background: Doctor's office with one Trainee, wich works slower. I need the person to know somehow on wich chair out of a group he sits down and set a lable. After that im defining the delay in the processflow.

Maybe you can help me, thy a lot



FlexSim 18.1.2
processflowhealthcarelablecreate person
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

You're already doing this. In the Acquire Location:WaitingArea1 activity you acquire a chair and store a reference to it on current.MyChair. So now the person has a MyChair label that points at the chair they just acquired. If you want to store this value on another label you should add an Assign Labels activity and assign the value of the MyChair label onto a new label.

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