
Mia avatar image
Mia asked Julie Weller commented

I can't control and rotation the object by the coordinate arrow

I can't control and rotation the object by the coordinate arrow in version 2022 update1,it has no response when I tried to click the coordinare arrow. (vedio 2)

I fllowed this tutorial

But I can do it on another computer with v2022 update1.(vedio 1).

FlexSim 22.1.4
rotationcoordinatescoordinates arrow
first.mp4 (4.2 MiB)
second.mp4 (6.3 MiB)
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Natalie White avatar image
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Natalie White answered Mia commented

Hi @Mia,

You can always adjust the rotation and size of an object under its properties, instead of using the coordinate arrow.


Is the coordinate arrow working for other objects, or is it not working at all?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

In version 22 and later:

  • Left-clicking and dragging the arrow head (arrow axis handle) translates the object along that axis.
  • Right-clicking and dragging the arrow head rotates the object around that axis.

The correct page describing these actions is here - your link was to version 2020 which did not have this method for resizing.

In your second video where you say things are not working it sounds like you are not clicking and dragging but are just clicking and releasing the handles which will do nothing.

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