
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Maryam H2 commented

Bed TAT Process

Hi there,

Is there any way to prevent the automatic allocation of a bed for a turnaround time after a patient is discharged? It would be ideal if there could be a delay period during which the bed remains unoccupied and unavailable for acquisition by anyone else from the resource locations.

FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Maryam H2 commented

Without knowing how the beds are implemented in your model I can only give some general advice.

You can set the Remove Patient activity to only remove the person statistically. This preserves the token which can then enter a further delay until the location/bed is released.



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Maryam H2 avatar image Maryam H2 commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann

I believe one issue with this approach is that the patient completely disappears from the model when you statistically remove them. Is there a way to represent a patient leaving the bed, but still being present in the model, so that the bed cannot be acquired within the desired turnaround time (TAT)?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Maryam H2 commented ·

I don't see the issue. In the attached model the patients do leave the bed and walk to an exit before they are removed.

If the patient goes through other processes you can create a parallel branch in the Process Flow that releases the bed after a certain period of time.


If you are handling the assignment differently than acquiring the beds as a location, you'd have to show your method so we can see in what way the turnaround period could be implemented in your model.

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Maryam H2 avatar image Maryam H2 Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Got it, yeah I think I might split the flow like what you did.


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