
lili avatar image
lili Suspended asked lili Suspended commented

choosing task executers to transfer items based on the next processor


I have a model where the flow items are sent to a list after being processed in processor1. After which they can be transported to both processor 2 and processor 3. Items can be transported between processors 1 and 2 via conveyors, but as processor 3 is far away items have to be transported by crane. As there aren't any conditions for different ports I don't know how to simulate such a behavior.

Can I determine the transportation tools based on the processor type? (processor 2 and 3 are both the same type of machine)

Or as a less preferred solution can I choose the transportation tool based on distance?

I'll upload a simpler version of my model here.

Thanks is advance

output transportation.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
send to portoutput portassigning task executer
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered lili Suspended commented

Use a sendtoport to route to a port connected object based on type.

Use the transport dispatcher field (under 'use transport' checkbox)to choose the transport via Customized Logic> Conditonal Transport.

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