
i-tesng avatar image
i-tesng asked Julie Weller commented

How to make the sink queue wait for two days before arriving at the sink

FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You'd need to set the Send To Port option to not release the item and create an event that releases the item two days later.

This could be done by sending a message to the queue in the Send To Port code and release the first item from the queue in the OnMessage trigger.

You could also use Process Flow. An Event-Triggered Source reacts to the Send To Port code firing. The created token then waits two days and releases the item afterwards.

There are probably many more variants of how this could be build. Which one is the best will depend on personal preference and other information: How does this logic interact with the batching for example? Does the 2-day-timer start when the first item arrives or when the batch is complete? Is is correct that the queue should not receive any extra items during the wait period (Flush between batches)?

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