
Gerald avatar image
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Gerald asked Jonah K commented

No options available for database table to export to.

I am attempting to push a global table to a Microsoft SQL studio database using a successfully connected Database connector. I use Flexscript to push the table at the end of the simulation, but I have realized I should be able to set this up using the connector only and the export tab. However, the list shows no options when attempting to set up the table that will be pushed to the database. It suggests testing the connection, which I have done successfully, but no table options are showing up. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

FlexSim 22.2.0
databasedatabase connector
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Borja Lorenzo edited

Based on the code found in the library:

MAIN:/project/library/DatabaseConnector>behaviour/includebody, L165

It looks like we only generate the list of possible tables for MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, and PostgreSQL. It looks also like there's a default query that it tries, if the connection is other than one of those types. So it's very possible that the queries that generate the list of tables/columns for that button aren't correct given your connection type.

However, if you already generated the query you need, you can just use that query in the export tab. The list of tables/columns is not required for a successful connection.

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