
Dave C2 avatar image
Dave C2 asked Dave C2 commented

How can we extract only the live data from the database?

Hi, I am trying to replicate and create a live model based on the physical world data. I have connected to an MySQL database and when I try to import the tables, I get all the historical data from the last year. I want to get only current machine data from the database to mimic the real world. The data from the machine is based on the real time product (Good or Reject). I am an novice and am exploring flexsim, any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

FlexSim 19.2.1
databasedatabase connectormysqllinking real time data to simulationlive entries in the share resources.
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Dave C2 commented

@Dave C2

You can either use a query on the data you want to pull in or pull all data in and then use a query within FlexSim. I would always go for the first solution because a database engine is much faster in running queries than the FlexSim query engine.

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