
Aaupadhye avatar image
Aaupadhye asked Julie Weller answered

Routing Items Based on Availability

Hi all,

The issue I am running into is that I want arrivals from queue 1 to flow into both Pack Station A and Pack Station B but only based on availability. If one arrival is sent to Pack Station A I want the corresponding box to flow to Box Station A, which triggers the operator to run a task sequence to combine the arrival and box and then unload this on the other conveyor (very similar to a model @Natalie White showed me wcocsim2-a.fsm ). When an arrival hits the pack station it should no longer accept any other arrivals until the operator is done with the task sequence, and the next arrival should go to Pack Station B along with the corresponding box also going to box station B. The task sequence part seems intuitive, however, I am struggling with figuring out how to complete this task using two operators since the boxes default to taking the side conveyor to Box Station B. In summary, I want each arrival to go to a pack station based on if the operator is completed with the entire operation, and I want the corresponding box to show up at the box station. I am confused on how to route both the arrivals and the conveyor to do this.




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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller commented ·

Hi @Aaupadhye! It looks like you want to use decision points. You can set up 3 decision points like this:


(Make sure you use an A connection to connect the upstream decision points to the lower decision points). Then you can use an input trigger and either Area Restrictions (this will require a trigger on the first and second decision point) or Send Item by Case to decide where to send the items! You might need to explore what works best, there's more info on about that!

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Aaupadhye avatar image Aaupadhye Julie Weller commented ·
Decision points seem like a great way to route the boxes, however, I want to take a step back and make sure that the arrivals actually get to my pack stations before I worry about the boxes.
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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller Aaupadhye commented ·
Hmmm I think I was confused where the items to pack from were coming from, you could use an On Entry trigger to close input ports and then an On Exit trigger to open the input ports again, you would just put those on your pack station, is that what you're trying to do?
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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered

The reason the model is crashing is because on the 3rd batch the items are continually being removed from the list and then readded (forever). You would need to change your logic to deal with that, I added a Wait for Event Activity that waits for Pack Station A's send to port:


You can see the token waiting there in this picture. That lets the model get further but then it stalls because nothing is happening after this so you will probably need to do the packing at this point.

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Aaupadhye avatar image Aaupadhye commented ·

Is the "Stall" this error?

time: 20.000000 exception: Error: Invalid triggering event, event rank 1, at wait for event activity "Wait for Event" in process flow "ProcessFlow"

Also, i'm not too sure why the arrival of one item isn't being sent to the autobagger, since I have the location set to that when the length is less than 5.

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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller Aaupadhye commented ·
I think the issue is more the setup of the process flow never reaches a conclusion
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