
Abhay Bajpai avatar image
Abhay Bajpai asked Jeanette F commented

Object gets created but does not move to destination (Flow Item)

The Flow Item (called 'ChassisFlowItem') creates parts as it goes down the conveyor line at every station. All parts are created using Create Object and moved to the flow item using Move Object in a sub flow. Almost all items created move to the flow item except M1_Deck_A and M1_Sidewall_A. They are created but they do not move. Attaching the model to this post.


Upon digging into this issue a bit, i found that the Map called "partMap"-responsible for creating a map for which items need to be created at a station- does not move the first item it creates if there are more than one items in the Map. For example, Station 1 only has one item hence it works perfectly fine. However, station 2 and station 4 have 2 items that need to be created, and hence it does not move the 1st item it creates.



FlexSim 23.1.1
move object
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jeanette F commented

The reason it's not moving is because the runsubflow is now set to run both tokens at the same time and you've added a delay which means both tokens are looking at the CreateParts[1] which is the same item. Remove the delay or change the runsubflow to run the tokens one at a time.

You should have a different container for each product in which to store the partLocMap. At the moment you only have one container ChassisFlowItem but the script for storing orientations writes the locations onto the container assuming it is the correct container for the modelID. If this were to work - and it could because you have forced unique part names for each model (not necessary on the original concept) - then you would need to position all parts for all models at the same time on the chassis and then run the script. This is, I would suggest, impractical if not infeasible.

If you want the same chassis for each modelID then load items into the Floor objects and put the partLocation maps on the floors and not the chassis.

Where is your production sequence/schedule saying what model is done next?

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