
sp98 avatar image
sp98 asked Kavika F answered

Date time source - date based mode issues

Hi everyone, hope someone can help me! I made 6 different patient flows with the date time source in date based mode. I want to simulate only a month of activity and I don't want that patients arrive during weekend, because I set that the hospital staff is on vacation. The first day of simulation (10 of may 2021, from 06:00:00) everything works in the correct way. The day after the source doesn't respect the quantity: for example at 09:00:00 11/05/2021

4 'consultation' patients come instead only 2 (the corresponding patient flow is Patient Arrivals0)

2 'test patients' come instead only 1 (the corresponding patient flow is Patient Arrivals1)

2 'follow-up' patients come instead only 1 (the corresponding patient flow is Patient Arrivals5)

4 'additonal' patients come instead only 2 (the corresponding patient flow is Patient Arrivals2)

Furthermore if I simulate a day of the weekend, for example 15/05/2021, the patients come to clinics even if I set in all of the patient flows that we don't wave any arrive during weekends.

I attached my model here wip as-is_1.fsx

The software version is the latest released 23.2

date time sourceprocess flow issuedate based
wip-as-is-1.fsx (17.9 MiB)
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @sp98, I think there's something wrong with your Date-Time Sources in your Patient Arrival process flows. I tried editing the sources and found something interesting. When deleting the entries for 9:00:00 11/05/2021 in "Patient Arrivals0", I still got patients spawning (only 2 though). I checked the Advanced section of the Schedule and noticed it still had entries for that time. I decided to just delete the source because it got in a weird state and make a new one with my desired quantities. That seemed to work.

Also, I'd just like to point out that 23.2 is currently in Beta, so there may be some unintended behavior in your model. Feel free to let us know if you find anything that seems wrong.

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