
pc neo avatar image
pc neo asked pc neo commented

Transient object data not able to compute using Calculated Table

transientobject-calculatedtable.jpgThe model uses TaskExecuter flowitem to transport materials. A statistics collector is done up to collect the total time the TaskExecuted flowitem stays in particular state such as idle, travel empty etc. There are 3 taskexecuter flowitems in the model and this works well.

A calculated table is then added with the intention to compute "utilization" of the TaskExecuter flowitem. Though there are 3 rows shown in the statistics collector's table, there is only 1 row shows up in the calculated table. This is not right.

Any help is appreciated.sample1_23.1_transientState_forum.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.3
statistics collectorcalculated tabletransient object
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered pc neo commented

You don't want to use SUM in the Utilization column since you want to do this operator for each row independently, not once over all rows.

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