
Wesley GMP avatar image
Wesley GMP asked Natalie White commented

Vehicle routing problem optimization with flexsim using GIS

Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude in advance for the assistance offered by the esteemed members of this forum, as well as the creator of the Flexsim software. Consequently, I would like to address some challenges related to vehicle routing optimization. To begin with, the model features a flow process for item loading, which creates items in the 3D model. This loading process is controlled by a global table named "gt_Pedidos". Additionally, within this model, there are three cities: the source city, named "Sorocaba," and the destination cities, named "Itu" and "Tatui," all created within the 3D model. The truck collection process is carried out through a flow process that utilizes dates to collect items in specific cities. The collection is being performed based on a list. However, the current list is organized in ascending order, following an alphabetical list of cities. At this point, a specific question arises: How can I implement vehicle routing in this process? Does Flexsim provide an algorithm for vehicle routing problems? If so, which one? If not, should I pursue an approach outside of Flexsim? Furthermore, if no such algorithm exists, are there alternative methods to address the vehicle routing problem? Attached is the current model for further investigation.

FlexSim 23.1.3
gisroutingreverse logistics (142.0 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller commented ·

Hey Wesley! Your post reminded me of this example by one of my co-workers!

He uses mixed integer programming to choose the best supply routes. That post might be a good place to get you started.

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Lucas Klein avatar image Lucas Klein commented ·

Hi Wesley.

Wich routing problems specifically are you facing? Depending on the kind of problem, you can implement some logical decisions in a ProcessFlow, using the tables as input, or external logics that can handle with the information of your model to make decisions in your logistic flow. In the example mentioned by @Julie Weller above you can find how you can integrate Python with FlexSim for that kind of purposes.

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Natalie White avatar image Natalie White commented ·

Hi @Wesley GMP, was your question resolved?

If you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

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