
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Shinya O commented

Searching for a route with Freight Railways may fail


Searching for a route with Freight Railways may fail as below.


The Freight Railway route search between two points on the left is working, but on the right I have the same settings, but it's not working.

Is there a way to check if the search failed? What else can you think of?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 23.0.11
gisroutingfreight railwayrailway
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1 Answer

Jonah K avatar image
Jonah K answered Shinya O commented

Currently the GIS Navigator does not notify the user if a route search failed, but I will submit this issue to the dev team. In the meantime, there is a way you can check if a route search was successful, though it is a bit tedious:

If the GIS Navigator successfully generates a route, it will create one or multiple subnodes in the webResponses variable (i.e. a new web Response node means a new route was successfully generated). You can check if the number of webResponses has changed with this script:

  1. treenode UpdateCount = model().subnodes.assert("UpdateCount", 0);
  2. int numUpdates = UpdateCount.value;
  3. treenode webResponses = getvarnode(Model.find("GISNavigator"), "webResponses");
  4. int responses = webResponses.subnodes.length;
  6. if (numUpdates == responses){
  7. return "Up To Date";
  8. } else {
  9. UpdateCount.value = responses;
  10. return "UPDATED";
  11. }

By alternating between selecting "Update" and "Run Script", you can check if your proposed map points yielded any successful routes. It will return "Up To Date" if there are no new web responses (i.e. no route was found) and will return "UPDATED" if there has been a new web response since the last time you ran the script.


I know this solution isn't very straightforward, but hopefully it helps you get closer to your goal. And again, I will submit this issue to the development team so hopefully we can make a cleaner solution in the future.

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