
Brett N avatar image
Brett N asked Brett N commented

Stock picking without using process flow logic if possible

I am trying to model a basic distribution centre but can't figure out how to look up ProductType from an order list as part of my pull from a stock list.

I'm trying to stick to 3D objects and avoid using process flow logic since this is just a quick intro to modelling for my students - many of whom work part-time in distribution or restocking at night.

The model attached is as far as I've gotten - but the queue pulling from stock is just hardcoded to pull ProductType = 3 since I don't know how to replace that with something like "WHERE ProductType = OrderList.ProductType ORDER BY age ASC" Also not sure if I need to create this queue to make a "pick list" - any help would be appreciated!

Stock and Order List Processing.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.3
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Brett N commented

The simplest solution that came to mind so far would be to have the PickList queue pull the items. Since that is the place where the information about the type is available through the item labels.

You can more or less directly copy the Pull Strategy code in its On Entry trigger. Then adjust the code to use the ProductType of the entering item in the query. And change the reference in the pullitem() and pushitem() from current to the target queue. In the example I use a centerport connection.

It is important to allow for duplicate pullers in the StockList, since the timing works out in the way that all pulls get initiated before any is completed when the items are created in the same instant.


This will ignore the Max Content setting on the target queue though.

The example model also contains a Process Flow anyway (since personally I am a big proponent for Process Flow and the logic might still be easier to understand that way for someone who hasn't done any coding before - if that's the case for your students).


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