
ged0313 avatar image
ged0313 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

The Destination of Process Flow with List

Hi all,

I am building up process flows recently, but I'm confused with the relationship between the 3D model and the process flow. I am confused that if I use a list to do the task sequence. How can I set it to the destination of Load and Unload activity? Since the destination here is listening to the backorder, if we're using the logic of list. Thank you for any of your assistance!

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Creating global lists of different types allows you to access default fields for that type. The Tasksequence List is one of the types of global lists you can add.

If you use the transport dispatcher option to push to a Tasksequence List then the destination field can added by choosing to add a new field and selecting "unloadStation. You can also edit the trigger to add the label to the item should you need it since the header of the transport dispatcher triggers all have a local variable set up for the destination for you to use as you wish.

If you use the transportdispatcher option to push to an Item List, you'll see that the destination is added to the item as a label by default. You can access this label from the list - when you add a global list select 'Item List' and add a label field to access the 'destination' label.

If you're not using the 3D objects to create the task sequence, and you don't yet have all the required information, you can still push the task sequence to the list and add tasks to it as they become defined. If you leave the checkbox to wait until complete then you can still evaluate each step as the taskexecuter progresses through the tasks. Obviously some fields will not be displayable in the list when the sequence has no defining tasks, but if you set them as dynamic they will work when relevant tasks are added. Any tasks you want to be considered as part of the first pull from list will need to be added when the sequence is pushed to the list - so uncheck their wait until complete boxes. Just keep in mind it's not an 'all or nothing' situation - you can control it completely. By checking the 'wait until completed' checkbox you're just adding an additional task to let the token know the activity's main task is done and telling the token to wait in the activity until that happens. Other than that, the task sequence structure is the same as a regular task sequence.

Another thing to note, is that you can push additional arguments to a list and use them as fields - so you could just push the empty sequence and pass in the loadstation and unloadstation as argument 1 and 2. To do this you need to use the List.push() command, since the process flow activity does not support pushing with arguments.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

There are two methods to let execute a taskexecuter a job. A process flow activity driven sequence of task activities and a tasksequence. A sequence of task activities is distinguished by the Option “wait until complete”. Activated this set of task activities is meant to behave like a program of single code lines.

Disabled leads it to create a tree node bound Tasksequence construct which is dispatched to a taskexecuter. It creates a subset of tasks executed later by a taskexecuter. This construct called Tasksequence has been the origin of actions for taskexecuters. Normally you push Tasksequences into a list. Once you create a tree node bound tasksequence you loose completely a connection to its creation process in process flow. You work only with the result of this set of activities in process flow - your created tasksequence.
Working with tasksequences leads to some conditions. Once you create a tasksequence all destinations and other involved dependencies must be completely set. Adding or parsing later data into tasksequences is possible but it involves other mechanisms. You can exchange parameters. You can let call from a tasksequence a sub tasksequence, which you create, when you know previously unknown parameters while a tasksequence gets executed.

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