
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Assigning percentages as labels in bar chart?

Hi Team,

When we see time in state statistics in bar chart, it is shown as below:


It is little difficult here to find the exact percentage split. Instead, is there any way to assign the % labels over the bar to find the exact values as below:


Thank you!

FlexSim 23.1.0
statisticsbar chart
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1 Answer

Jonah K avatar image
Jonah K answered Felix Möhlmann commented

There currently isn't a way to display the percentages exactly as you have described, but there is an easy way to access those values with Performance Measures.

Add a performance measure for each state you want to keep track of, and change the "Name" cells to be the name of each state. Click the cell in the "Value" column, click the dropdown, and select the Reference sampler (eyedropper). Use it to select your object in the 3D model, hover over "State Percentage", and select the corresponding State. Do this for each of the states/performance measures. When you reset and run, you will see that the values update to be the percentages of time in which your object spends in that state, as shown here:

1689981880824.pngThis should be sufficient if you just want to see the state percentages, but it also will make it easier for you if you definitely want to incorporate these values into the dashboard --maybe using a statistics collector.

This method is demonstrated in this model:


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