
kkkk avatar image
kkkk asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Questions about Partition ID

Hi~ I have some questions about partition id. Although I read some tutorials, I still don't really understand how it works and when to use it. Take this tutorial's file provided below as example, I don't really understand the meaning of using the partition id.1689997201438.png

Hope to get some help, thank you!

FlexSim 23.1.0
agvprocessflowpartition id
1689997201438.png (35.7 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot edited

A list has got fields. You can setup labels, expressions, predefined template fields. You can use more lists with same fields or you can use partitions. A partition is acting as a new list with a different key.

· 2
5 |100000

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