
Aries Vash avatar image
Aries Vash asked Aries Vash commented

Is it possible to create a custom chart in the dashboard?

Hi, I need help on the following, is it possible to create a custom chart in the dashboard using the following formula below?

Define the variables:

  1. 1. LC (Labour count is a constant given number)
  2. 2. Standard Efficiency divider = 233
  3. 3. Actual Manpower (Number of operators in the model)
  4. 4. Production Hour (Simulation time/hour)
  5. 5. Output (where output of the end queue)


Ideal Time = LC * 233 / Output

Actual Production Hour = Actual Manpower * Production Hour

In the dashboard, calculate:

Efficiency = Ideal Time / Actual Production Hour


LC = 1.3

Standard Eff Divider = 233

Actual Manpower = 2

production hour = 1 hour

Output = 292 pieces

Ideal Time = 1.3 * 233 / 292 = 1.037

Actual Production Hour = 2 * 1 = 2

Efficiency = Ideal Time / Actual Production Hour = 1.037/2 = 0.518 or 51.8%


Custom Dashboard.fsm

FlexSim 19.2.4
dashboard display
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
1 Like"
Felix Möhlmann answered Aries Vash commented

It looks like all you have to do is divide that value by the current model time (in hours). You can do that directly in the Calculated Table with a custom expression metric.


Then add a base chart of your chosen type and choose the Calculated Table as data source.

Though I have some doubts whether your formula is correct. Why would the efficiency drop if the output goes up?

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