
Sean Goh avatar image
Sean Goh asked Ben Wilson edited

System Console Pop out problem when using Dashboard ?

1) Last few days, I keep getting System Console window pop out (refer to attached JPG files) when I open any existing and new models with Dashboard display. I was using Flexsim Version 17.0.1 then. It seems to happen after I try saving some Dashboards to HTML files.

system-console-error-could-not-write-html-file.jpg(253.1 kB)

system-console-error.jpg(226.5 kB)

2.After I upgrade to Flexsim Version 17.0.3, it still has the System console pop out (blank window) whenever I open any model files with Dashboard. If I close the System console and run the model, some of the Dashboard display cannot be seen. I need to reopen the System console, close it again and then the dashboard display can be seen.

3.Now whenever I add Dashboard when creating any new model, the System console always pop out with message “exception: could not write html file”.


You can refer to attached sample “tryout.fsm” model which I created to experiment with this issue.

Please help advise on this problem and how to fix this ? Thanks!

dashboard displaysystem consoleexport all dashboards to html
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Ben Wilson edited

The "could not write to html file" exception is usually related to permissions on the C:\ProgramData\Flexsim\FlexSim17.0\help directory. See exception: Could not write html file (User Manual) - FlexSim Community Forum

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