
browna15 avatar image
browna15 asked Carter Walch edited

Adding Additional flow item for every completion of a batch

In my simulation, once a batch of 4 passes through the queue for just processed units, a new flow item of different type is to be released into the same queue and exit once the four units leave. What I have tried is using a global variable that increments by 1 for each unit that passes through the final processing queue and when the global variable is divisible by 4, trigger a source to release one unit of the new flow type. Let me know if this is in the correct realm of approaching the problem as I was still unsuccessful, mainly when it came to controlling the source releasing. I have attached a fresh version of my set up. For context, the processor alternates between the red and green units every 4 units.

Thank for the input!


FlexSim 17.1.6
flowitemsource control
batchingnewitem.fsm (40.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered Carter Walch edited

Hi @browna15 ,


Yes you can do this with a global variable to track the current type being processed to create a new item of the next type. If I understand correctly, you want 4 items of type 1 (red) to be processed, then when all 4 have finished and pass through Queue3, you want to create a new item of the new type (i.e. Type 2 (green)) at the respective source. I'm not sure if you can trigger a source to do this but we can create the same logic in process flow.



This keeps track of items exiting Queue3. After 4 have been processed, we update the CurrentType global variable and make a new item of the new type at the correct entry transfer. Hope this helps!

1690301451332.png (7.6 KiB)
updatetype.gif (1.6 MiB)
batchingnewitem.fsm (43.5 KiB)
· 6
5 |100000

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browna15 avatar image browna15 commented ·
Hi Carter, thanks for the response! I think I missed an important detail to the behavior of the system but its similar to the current set up. Is it possible to have the original 4 pass through the queue then once the last unit of that group of 4 leaves, it creates a new flow item that follows the last unit of the group of 4 as opposed to batching 4 units into one flow item?

Thanks for the consideration.

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Carter Walch avatar image Carter Walch browna15 commented ·

Yes of course! I believe the model is set up to accomplish what you are describing. I may not have explained that the batch activity in the process flow is simply counting 4 items to pass through the queue. It is not batching them together into one flow item. But rather, it represents a counter such that every 4 items, we create a new flow item.

Is it still correct that you want the new item to be created at the source?

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browna15 avatar image browna15 Carter Walch commented ·
My bad, no the new item should not be created at the source. The source I was referring to, in theory, was a source attached to the queue at the end of the processor, however it looks like that is not needed. The new flow item should should leave the queue after every 4 units that pass through the queue. What would these edits look like in the simulation?

Thank you

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