
Gandhi_mathi_nathan C avatar image
Gandhi_mathi_nathan C asked Gandhi_mathi_nathan C commented

Pull from list issue

Hi I am trying to do a van loading simulation. In the simulation the van arrival sequence and the dispatch sequence is not same. I am trying to use "list" to create dispatch sequence and release van accordingly. When i try with list , its not working as per the sequence. Could someone help ? Attached model for reference.

Another concern is that vehicle moves even if there is a vehicle infront . It should not move .

Need support. Van_Loading Simulation.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.16
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The Sequence label field on the list currently has no impact on which token gets to pull a value first and thus also leave first.

You can use the Backorder Strategy of the list to control which token gets to pull something first. That wouldn't necessarily involve the list values though. I'd map each Sequence value to a priority and order by that priority. Since the values that are pulled from the list don't actually matter in this case, the same logic could be build using a Zone.

To use what you have already build, you can reverse the logic and have the vehicle tokens be pulled in the right order by matching their Sequence value to that of the pulling tokens in the query.


In the attached model I also corrected the order of the vehicles in the group, since the sequence seems to assume that the loading points are pulled in ascending order.

Finally, to prevent the vehicles from travelling through each other, you have to set to them to "Do not travel offsets and block space on networks".


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Gandhi_mathi_nathan C commented

You should try this option on the task executers:


Select them all (red) by shift click and drag a net around them, and then click on one to edit it and have the others be updated automatically.

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Gandhi_mathi_nathan C avatar image Gandhi_mathi_nathan C commented ·
Thanks @Felix Möhlmann @Jason Lightfoot for your quick support !
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