
Aaupadhye avatar image
Aaupadhye asked Carter Walch edited

Routing Logic to Identify if Conveyor is Full

In my model, in the middle area where the two split conveyors are, I want to somehow use a round robin system initially to fill up the conveyors with boxes. However, when these conveyors are full, I then want the boxes to route to whichever conveyor is not full. Is there custom code to do this?




FlexSim 23.0.8
routingrouting logic
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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered Carter Walch edited

Hi @Aaupadhye ,


You can modify your On Arrival trigger to check the content of each conveyor before sending the item. In the attached model, by default the DP will perform round robin. But when one conveyor is full, it will send to the empty conveyor. When they are both full it will default to round robin again


This is done by checking the subnodes.length of each conveyor before sending the item. You can see the code in each decision point.

Hope this helps!

dproundrobin.gif (6.4 MiB)
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