
Rober G avatar image
Rober G asked Natalie White commented

Logic Explanation

CurrentStateModel.fsmGood day thank you for taking the time to assist :)

I have an attached model populated with flow logic explanations for a better understanding for you, however, it seems that I still lack understanding...

According to my understanding production is supposed to be halted because there is insufficient material in the inventory. This is regulated by the subflow:


With the sub-flow a token is designated satisfiable=="Flase" if there are insufficient materials in the "Bunker Bulk Inventory" which then causes the token to get stuck at the wait-for event until a trucks arrive:

And repeat till satisfiable?

This is my understanding, which seems to be wrong else production would stop and inventory won't go to minus.

Any advice is appreciated! Would love to understand and fix my situation :)

FlexSim 23.0.10
process flowwait for eventrun subflow
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
You have exceptions in your model since you're trying to access storage system properties but these use 3D objects and you have none in your model.

We like to clear these issues first so that we're not trying to fix something related.

If we just disable the 'Reorder Draft' source for now, then we still get an exception at 690 due to an invalid row number being used in the 'Update Warehouse' activity trying to read a row in Delivery Qty that does not exist. If you're not going to add the rows and make Type:Row a 1:1 map, then you need to use getValueByKey to look up the Type and read the Quanity.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Natalie White commented

Because you copy the labels to the subflow tokens, the "Satisfiable" label is only changed on those. The label on the parent always stays at "True".

You can either change the Assign Labels activity to specifially change the label on the parent.


Or you don't copy the labels to the child tokens, so the parent label gets changed by proxy.



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Rober G avatar image Rober G commented ·

Perfect it does the job thank you @Felix Möhlmann !

Some tokens get stuck at the wait for event because at their time of creation, there was insufficient inventory. Is there a way can re-test them so they become "true"?


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Natalie White avatar image Natalie White Rober G commented ·
You can consider replacing the "Wait for Event" with a "Decide" activity which determines whether the tokens continue to connection A or whether they loop through an "Assign Labels" activity
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