
raulsa avatar image
raulsa asked Carter Walch commented

How to make an operator to take parts from a tote container ?

HI everyone, I am new with this software and I want to simulate the process of welding using process flow, here a forklift arrives with a container with 3500 parts , I need each operator to take 120 parts from this container until finish. The issue I have is that when the container arrives i dont know how i can make the operator to take only some parts until all the container is empty.welding.jpg

Do someone have some example how i can do this?

FlexSim 23.2.0
welding.jpg (150.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered Carter Walch commented

Hi @RaulS.a ,


To reference the items inside a container object like a tote or a pallet, you can use subnodes[index] where index is a number for each item in the container. For example, when a tote arrives we can use process flow to assign that tote to token.tote. Then we can reference the items inside it with token.tote.subnodes[1] (this gets the first item in the tote.

To answer your question about an operating taking a specific number of parts from a tote, we can use a subflow activity in process flow. In the model I attached above, each tote has 20 items. The operator will complete a task sequence of loading and unloading the first item in the tote 5 times. You could do similar logic in your model and take 120 items from the container object.




Let me know if that helps and feel free to attach your model if this isn't what you were looking for.

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op.gif (642.8 KiB)
subflowdemo.fsm (42.3 KiB)
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