
Nicolas Mbz avatar image
Nicolas Mbz asked Matthew Gillespie commented

How to use a custom function to order by in zone queue strategy ?

I would like to order the entrance of tokens by theirs labels. Choice 1 : Duration, Choice 2 NbEtapes (Model Parameters).

I would like to use a custom function to determinate de queue strategy in the zone. But the error message :

"syntax error, unexpected identifier Object, expecting end of code. Make sure commas, parentheses, etc. are placed correctly".

1) How to use the custom function ind the Zone Queue strategy field ?


2) I would like to controle the order, by cloning the result in a globale table for exemple. Is this possible ?

Thanks in advance


FlexSim 23.1.4
zonecustomcodequeue strategy
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Matthew Gillespie commented

You can do this by setting the node to an option value using the OnSet of the parameter:



To see the result I would use a statistics collector to detect tokens entering the zone. You can query that as if it were a global table.

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