
Prateekq4 avatar image
Prateekq4 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Resume item

Sending.fsmI have built a model where items on a conveyor are sent to a particular exit trigger (which is connected to a combiner) based on decision point on arrival trigger. At DP2 in my model i have created a stop item code(to stop item incase the combiner is not free) along with my send to port code. When my item is exiting combiner 12 (it is processed here), it sends a message to the DP2 to tell it to resume the item. My item doesnt resume. Can someone tell what is going wrong?

FlexSim 22.0.16
stop and resume
sending.fsm (59.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Prateekq4,

In your DP2 On Arrival code you end up calling to stop the item 3 times. For every stop there has to be a resume called or a forced resume. There are two solutions for this issue. In your On Arrival code you can exit your for loops if you end up stopping the item once or in your on message trigger you can do a force resume.



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