
Alfonso V2 avatar image
Alfonso V2 asked Alfonso V2 edited

Processor does not correctly change its state when resumed

I have a model that uses 2 different systems to stop processors.

1) A time table makes the processor stop for maintenace based on the model time.

2) A process flow uses a global table to make the processor stop (breakdown) based on the number of units processed.

On some occasions, a certain sequence of these stops make a processor to keep its "maintenance" state when it resumes. This creates a completely irrelevant state bar.

I believe that the problem is related to the fact that the processor is stopped by two different times, and that it was already resumed once when it has to be resumed the second time. It may be basic but I can't figure out how to fix this issue.

Here attached is a simplified model that illustrate this problem.

Thank you for your help.


FlexSim 18.2.2
process flowglobal tabletime tablestop and resumestate change
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Alfonso V2 commented

If you combine several different stop object commands, you should set for each combination of stop and resume an unique ID.

  • time table stop
  • mttb/mttr stop
  • request stop for setup
  • request stop for process
  • request stop while processing through preempting only


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