
MR avatar image
MR asked MR commented

Using process flow to create a loop to get the data in global table


There is a set of data in the global table. Each raw means a coordinate, column 1 means the x-axis, and column 2 means the y-axis. I want to let AGV travels from (1, 1) to (8, 6), and the route should follow the coordinate in the global table. Can I use process flow to make a loop to let AGV move to the next raw when it arrives at the node? I'm using "travel to location" now. X, Y location I chose "by global table look up", is there any way to finish the loop?

The route gonna be:(1, 1) > (2,1) > (3,1) > (4, 2) > (5,3) > (6,4) > (7, 5) > (8,6)


FlexSim 22.0.16
agvprocess flowglobal tableroute
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered MR commented

Check out this example model:


To create the "loop", I used a Run Sub Flow activity, creating one token per row of the table. I also checked the box to "run one at a time." Each child token tells the AGV to travel to the location for the given row of the global table.

I also used a Custom Task activity so I could specify the end speed of the AGV. The end speed is always the max speed of the the traveler, unless it's the last travel task in the sequence. Then the end speed is zero, so the AGV comes to a stop.

If you change the AGV's acceleration/deceleration to 0, that means "infinite". In that case, you can always use an end speed of zero, since the AGV can change its velocity instantaneously. So even if it comes to a stop, it can, in zero time, get up to its max speed again.

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