
Kevin-Hsiang avatar image
Kevin-Hsiang asked Kevin-Hsiang commented

When using global table, how to looked from column 1 and whole row


This question is about lookup the global table column 1 and whole row.

In this model, I want to ask the AGV cart to the specific rack(and each rack represent a type ), so I use the Global Table to choose the specific type.

I want lookup from Global Table(named "AssignedToRack"),but I don't know how to looked from column 1 and whole row. like: lookup row1->row2->row3...


I had read more tutorial to try, but still not find the appropriate answers.

is there any smart way to do this operation?



FlexSim 22.0.1
agvglobal table
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Kevin-Hsiang commented

To assign the row values to tokens in ascending order you can use the input statistic of the activity.

"getstat(activity, "Input", STAT_CURRENT)" returns the number of tokens that have entered the activity. If you combine it with the modulo operator "%" you can repeatedly return the values from 1 to 10.
(1, 2, 3, ...10, 1, 2, 3, ...)

  1. (getstat(activity, "Input", STAT_CURRENT)%10)+1


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