
pc neo avatar image
pc neo asked Jason Lightfoot commented

flexsim web server with IIS installation doc clarification

hi, I have installed and run FlexSim Webserver as a standalone successfully.

Now I am attempting to use IIS, which is new to me. I have followed the documentation on Webserver (, it has an instruction to add "Server Variables" which is done on a different Site name "FlexSim WebServer" and there is no instruction on how this site is defined.

a) Some guidance is needed on the installation as above.

fyi. Presently, I am not able to get the FlexSim to launch on the server end when "Start New Instance" is clicked. Perhaps it is related to the above configuration. The log shows "instance [1] launched [500], ERROR: GET 3D server fault".

FlexSim 23.2.0
installationwebserver iis
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1 Answer

Paul Toone avatar image
Paul Toone answered Jason Lightfoot commented

@pc neo In order to add the FlexSim WebServer site, you need to right-click on 'Sites' in IIS Manager and choose 'Add Website'.


Then, you need to enter 'FlexSim WebServer' in the Site name dialog box. Then, enter 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot' as the Physical Path, then choose OK.


Please note, the Default website is likely already started in IIS on port 80. You'll need to stop that website in order to start the new FlexSim WebServer website you just added.


After you have stopped the Default Web Site, you can select the FlexSim WebServer site and start that service.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance and if this method resolves your instance [1] launched [500], ERROR: GET 3D server fault" error.

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