
pc neo avatar image
pc neo asked Paul Toone commented

flexsim web server with IIS installation doc clarification

I have followed the documentation on Webserver ( on a Windows 10/11 Home OS (without configuring on windows authentication on IIS) and it works well. However, following the same instructions on a Windows 11 Pro OS does not work (without configuring windows authentication on IIS). So, I wonder if there are additional setups require?


On Windows 11 Pro OS, accessing the Flexsim web server hosted using IIS using localhost, the listing of models can be chosen and instances are seen to be created on the server machine (local machine). However, it is unable to show the model 3d page or dashboard with a "Query Timeout xxx" exception.

Any tips will be welcome. Thank you.

FlexSim 23.2.0
flexsim webserver
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1 Answer

Paul Toone avatar image
Paul Toone answered Paul Toone commented

@pc neo I have duplicated your issue. It appears IIS is not handling the slashes correctly in order to load the 3D view via the WebSocket. I have raised the issue with our Development team to investigate further.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. If you'd like, in the meantime, you could use either Apache or Nginx as your proxy while we work on this IIS issue.

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