
barrem24 avatar image
barrem24 asked barrem24 commented

Decision loop for multiple SKUs and processor blocked

In the attached model, I am not sure why the processor is blocked. This happens when the first item reaches it.

I am trying to have a decision tree within a loop where the "recipe" is determined by a global table. The row is the SKU and the column is the step in the process. I have included 3 (out of 100+) SKUs in the recipe table. The value in the table's cell reflects the amount of time spent in the "heat set" activity (for values > 0) or it includes a code for which process step is next (for negative values). For example, SKU 1 begins in heat set for 90 seconds, then moves to tool change activity (denoted by -1), then back to heat set for 90 seconds, then to honing (denoted by -2), etc. Is there a better way to set up this decision tree loop? I couldn't find a way to do include 5 options in a conditional decision point, which is why I split it into several decisions.

When using "wait for event", I was matching pulledItem - not sure if this is the proper label to match if I only want one specific token/item pair to move forward.


FlexSim 23.2.0
listloopdecisionmultiple sku
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered barrem24 commented

You can greatly simplify your model by

- not using a list. You can just have a fixed token for each item that loops around until all processes have been completed. If you want to implement some sort of priority system between the different types, I'd use the Pull Strategy on the processors.

- using Object/Values By Case pick options. A single Move Object can send the item to the correct queue depending on the table value. No need for a structure of nested Decides.

- listening to a group that contains all processors, so a single Wait for Event activity can listen for when the item should be moved again.


mb-model1-fm.fsm (49.3 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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