I have 20 painters working in parallel, painting is an intermediary process that receives items from assembly, painters can receive any of the 120 units to be painted. but there are 8 different types of products (Item Types), for example. Item Type 2A has a quantity of 9 units within those.9 units 2 items need to be painted black, 2 need to be painted blue, 2 need to be painted red, 2 need to painted gray and 1 need to be painted white, these units can be routed to any of the 20 painters. how do I specify to the processor if you receive item 2A paint only 2 black because there is another painter that might be painting another item 2A red, or if processor is painting 1 item in red, the other processor only need to paint 1 more red, the same with the remaining, items types. 1A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, which has different colors and qtys.