I am changing the syntax of item.type in the SET ITEM TYPE BY PERCENT code to setitemtype(item,2). Once I alter the code, it keeps reverting back to item.type. How do I avoid this? Code is below.
Original Code:
int stream = /**\nStream number:*//***tag:stream*//**/0/**/; double randomnum = uniform(0.0, 100.0, stream); double total = 0.0; int foundmatch = 0; total += /**\nPercent: *//**/Percent/**/; if (!foundmatch && randomnum <= total) { item.type = /** Type: *//**/2/**/; foundmatch = 1; } New Code: total += /**\nPercent: *//**/Percent/**/; if (!foundmatch && randomnum <= total) { setitemtype(item,2); foundmatch = 1; }