
Junday avatar image
Junday asked Jason Lightfoot commented

how to stack or put side by side flow items on the conveyor?


Is it possible if the operator stacks/places the boxes side by side?

Operator Conveyor.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.0
stacking itemside by side item
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited


You can translate the items so that they are side by side but to do this you have to override the spacing constraints of the conveyor - removing those based on the item length. This then means that an item can enter at any time so you'll have overlapping items on the same side. To get around that you will need to detect spaces on the conveyor side. Alternatively just use two conveyors

In the attached model I've set up a label on the item to indicate from which side it has been added and a process flow to translate the item to one side or the other. The logic in the custom code could be translated to the conveyor's entrytrigger instead of using the process flow.


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