I want to add a packing method to a flowitem. The Flowitem is the result of a joining process in a combiner. I have copied the behaviour node of a pallet flowitem from the flowitem bin, but an added other flowitem isn't stacked correctly as it would happen with a pallet flowitem. What should I do to get the same behaviour in a box flowitem as the pallet flowitem does?
Object current = param(1);treenode activity = param(2); Token token = param(3); treenode processFlow = ownerobject(activity); Object item = token.item; Object binPallet = model().find("Tools/FlowItemBin/Pallet/Pallet"); treenode palletBehave = binPallet.find(">behaviour/eventfunctions"); treenode itemBehave = item.attrs.assert("behaviour"); createcopy(palletBehave,itemBehave,1); itemBehave.rank = 2; rebindobjectattributes(item.attrs.behaviour);
Custom source code in Process Flow activity
Picture of the model - the pallet in Queue1 doesn't stack the flowitem as the pallet from Queue2.