
Andrea F avatar image
Andrea F asked Joerg Vogel commented

Pallet stacking

Hi everyone,

I am having problem with this model. How can i stock one pallet with items over another one changing the z position after the combiner ?

I attach my model below. The problem here is that the combiner send the pallet to the random port without putting them one on top of the other. How can i achieve this goal?

Thanks Sarner Holz.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
flexsim 19.1.2palletstacking itempackingfloorage stoor
sarner-holz.fsm (42.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hello @Andrea F,

You can do an on entry trigger that changes its position in the z-direction or you can use a rack and change the height of the levels to fit the pallets.


sarner-holz-jf.fsm (24.0 KiB)
· 4
5 |100000

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